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Solicitations are provided on this page for information purposes only. All RFP’s and IFB’s that are required to be publicly posted are posted on Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System. RFP’s and IFB’s provided on this page may or may not be up to date, and may or may not include required amendments or addenda. Failure of an Offeror to comply with provisions of an RFP, IFB, addendum/amendment due to anything provided, or not provided, on this page, will not be excused by the City of Colorado Springs. The RFP’s or IFB’s included on Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System and Bonfire Interactive Procurement Portal remain the authoritative and valid version for procurement purposes.

Not all open RFP’s and IFB’s are listed yet.

Open RFPs and IFBs

Airport Road & Circle Drive Repairs

  1. R25-030MZ

South Douglas Channel Repairs

  1. R25-029MZ

Traffic Signals for S. Nevada

  1. B25-T012CA

Case Management / Electronic Health Records System

  1. R25-025DS

Old Ranch Rd. Bridge Widening

  1. R25-T015JD

Bike to Work Week Project Management

  1. Q25-026DS

8th Street Bridge Rehabilitation & Widening

  1. R25-T020MZ

Grey Hawk Park Stormwater Construction

  1. R25-017MZ

Peterson Space Force Base North Gate Access and Safety Improvements

  1. R25-019MZ

Jimmy Camp Creek Park Hydrology Study

  1. R25-007DS

Time Management & Scheduling Software

  1. R25-008DS

SS4A Demonstration Grant Consultant

  1. R25-006DS

Fleet Administration Division Tow Services Program

  1. R25-014AL

Pikes Peak America's Mountain Shuttle Services

  1. R25-011MZ

Blodgett Open Space Trail Construction

  1. R25-009CA
    1. Addendum 1
    2. Addenda 2

On-Call Forestry Maintenance

  1. R25-002MZ

Cimarron & I25 Interchange Landscape Maintenance Services

  1. R25-003AL

Snyder Quarry Reclamation

  1. R24-001MZ

CSPD Pre-Engineered Storage Building Design and Construction Services

  1. R24-139AL

Greenways Park Pedestrian Bridge Purchase RFQ

  1. Q24-133AL
    1. Exhibit A: Specifications and Requirements
    2. Exhibit B: Terms and Conditions
    3. Exhibit C: Qualification Documents

Gray Hawk Park Playground Design and Installation

  1. R24-126DS

Vehicle and Equipment Up-Fitting Services

  1. R24-113DS

Park System Master Plan

  1. R24-109AL

Wasson Park ADA Concrete Sidewalks

  1. B24-108DS

Tejon St. Revitalization Construction Management Services

  1. R24-T101DS

Parks Gate & Restroom Locking

  1. R24-102DS

Stetson Hills Paving Project

  1. B24-093AL

CSPD Soft Body Armor and Load Bearing Vest Carrier

  1. R24-077DS RFP

Westside Community Center Design-Build Project

  1. R24-083MZ RFP

Edge Lit Traffic Control Signs

  1. R24-076DS RFP

On-Call Executive Recruiting Services

  1. R24-028AL RFP

Academy Enhanced Transit Corridor Study

  1. Q23-124 AB RFQ
    1. Addendum 01

Beach House Roof Teardown and Construction

  1. B23-097JW RFP
    1. Addendum 01