About the private improvement financial assurance process
To ensure the appropriate and timely installation of private site improvements, a land use development project may be eligible to secure a financial assurance. Assurances are typically used to ensure survival of installed materials, to cover outstanding site improvements, or as a maintenance guarantee. The required improvements will vary between commercial and residential projects, but are required by City Code or the approving body as a condition of approval to ensure the development is compatibility with the surrounding area. All required private improvements are illustrated and noted on the approved Planned Unit Development (PUD), development plan or other land use entitlement.
Please use the documents and forms below, in consultation with your case planner, to secure a financial assurance for your project.
Private Improvement Financial Assurances
- Request Form and Checklist
- Financial Assurance Agreement
- Improvement Estimate Worksheet – Alternatively, an itemized cost estimate or executed bid may be provided
- Example Exhibit and Estimate
- Statement of Authority