Our Parks, Recreational, and Cultural Services Department is working with the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to reduce outdoor impacts and promote responsible recreation in our parks, open spaces, and trails. The team will be focused on lessening impacts in Palmer Park and Stratton Open Space.
There are lots of opportunities to participate, from educational activities, to group hikes, to work days! Check out this list of free events. Please note that some programs require online registration.
Colorado Springs has been chosen as a Hot Spot by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. The city is one of ten Hot Spots selected nationwide to participate in this year’s education program. From Oct. 14-18, a Leave No Trace Team will work with rangers from the City’s Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services department as well as local park and recreation advocates to provide area visitors, land managers, volunteers and the local community with information, service work and education that reduces outdoor impacts and promotes responsible recreation.