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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The Colorado Springs Fire Department’s Mitigation Section and City Parks’ and Forestry staff are teaming up with community volunteers to complete fire mitigation work at Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site starting Thursday, Oct. 28. Prevention efforts, which are scheduled to conclude with a community volunteer day on Saturday, Oct. 30, will include limbing, thinning, chipping dead and fallen woody debris and removing dead and diseased Gambel oak, junipers and chokecherry trees. All work aims at supporting a healthy oak brush ecosystem.

Approximately one quarter of an acre will be impacted, and the natural character of the ranch will be maintained.

“We are excited to be working with the community to share the responsibility of fire mitigation, especially at such an important cultural asset like Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site,” said Cory Ashby, Colorado Springs Fire Department wildfire program coordinator. “This work is important because of the adjacent hiking trails, historic buildings on the property, plus the animals that reside nearby on the ranch and in the wild. In the event of a wildfire, we want to ensure that the fire stays low to the ground and is easily manageable without harming life or structures.”

CSFD regularly works with the Parks Department and City Forestry on strategic mitigation projects. One such area was near Bear Creek Regional Park, where prevention efforts were credited for allowing firefighters to quickly control the “Bear Creek Fire” in November 2020. No property was damaged during that wildfire which threatened the Skyway neighborhood, coming right up to property fence lines.

Interested volunteers can register to participate in Saturday’s effort here:

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