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Funding Notice 

Currently there is no funding available for competitive grants to nonprofits. Any change in status will be announced in our department newsletter, available here.

Public Facilities  

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding 

The Housing and Homelessness Response Department manages the City of Colorado Springs’ Entitlement funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for citizens in Colorado Springs. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to improve local communities by providing decent housing, improved infrastructure, public facilities, services, and improved economic opportunities.  

Our Funding  

The City of Colorado Springs’ Housing and Homelessness Response Department provides funding to local 501(c)(3)/ 509(a) non-profit organizations, and public agencies that serve low- to moderate-income community members.  

Public Facilities 

In general, public facilities and public improvements are interpreted to include all facilities and improvements that are publicly owned, or that are owned by a nonprofit and open to the general public during normal working hours. The Community Development Division prioritizes capital projects that improve quality of life in low- to moderate income neighborhoods; projects that increase access to essential human services; projects that demonstrate exceptional public-private partnerships with meaningful community engagement; Projects that leverage additional local and or state resources. 

Applications are typically accepted in the first quarter of the year.   

For Organizations Interested in Applying  

The City of Colorado Springs funding program year runs from April 1st to March 30th. As such, the Housing and Homelessness Response Department generally releases a Notice of Funding Availability (solicitation for applications) around mid-February to mid-March, as funding becomes available.

Eligibility Basics 

  1. Project must be located within the city limits of Colorado Springs; 
  2. Serve low-income communities: the project must be in a majority LMI (51% or over) Census tract and/or serve populations presumed to be low-income; have special needs. 
  3. Organizations must be a 501(c)3, 509(a), faith-based entities, and/or public agencies 

Eligible Public Facilities Activities/Projects

  • Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or installation of public facilities  
  • Infrastructure improvements (construction or installation) including, but not limited to streets, curbs, and water and sewer lines, broadband access.  
  • Neighborhood facilities including, but not limited to educational and recreational facilities, parks, playgrounds.  
  • Facilities for persons with special needs: elderly, mental illness, developmentally disabled, physically disabled, persons with addictions, persons with HIV/AIDS, unhoused, and survivors of domestic violence.  

Eligible Costs

  • Energy efficiency improvements 
  • Handicapped accessibility improvements  
  • Architectural design features and other treatments aimed at improving aesthetic quality  

Ineligible Activities

  • The maintenance and repair of public facilities and improvements is generally ineligible  
  • Operating costs associated with public facilities or improvements are ineligible unless part of a CDBG-assisted public service activity or eligible as an interim assistance activity.  
  • A public facility for the general use of government. Exceptions are designated portions of government owned facilities for public use. (Example: accessibility improvements at City Hall for public benefit.)  

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) 

To receive notices of funding availability, join our mailing list.



For more information about the CDBG programs or applications process please contact the community development division at