Voyager Parkway at Powers Boulevard closed in November 2023 as the Copper Ridge Metro District began work to construct an overpass as part of the Powers Boulevard Extension Project. The closure is expected to last until the end of 2024. The intent of the District is to open Voyager Parkway to traffic prior to the opening of the Sunset Amphitheater.
Northbound and southbound traffic on Voyager Parkway will detour on Spectrum Loop to the west. Motorists are encouraged to seek alternative routes, when possible, especially during peak traffic times in the morning and evening. Pedestrian traffic should also seek alternate routes where possible. A pedestrian pathway will be installed to ensure safety for foot traffic. Business access will also be maintained.
As part of the Powers Boulevard Extension Project, this project will construct the Voyager Bridge over future the Powers Blvd. extension, minimizing future traffic disruptions and construction impacts to the surrounding area being developed. The Copper Ridge Metropolitan District recently completed the Interstate 25/Powers Boulevard Interchange Project, which included the north connection of Powers to I-25 at exit 155.
The project is managed by the Cooper Ridge Metro District, which will turn the interchange over to the City of Colorado Springs upon completion. The metro district is completing the project ahead of the City’s normal schedule, with the City using Pikes Peak Rural Transit Authority (PPRTA) funds to reimburse the metro district beginning in 2025.
In November 2022, the Powers Blvd. extension received PPRTA/Regional Collaborative Priority “A” project status. It is advantageous to the Polaris Pointe Development to have the Voyager Parkway Bridge constructed prior to PPRTA funds becoming available; therefore, the metro district agreed to provide project financing ahead of the normal PPRTA funding schedule. All project work receives City and Colorado Department of Transportation review and coordination.
All questions and concerns about the project should be directed to Tim Mitros, District Manager with the Copper Ridge Metro District, at 719-271-0709, or Tim@Executive-Company.com.

In November 2022, the Powers Blvd. Extension – SH-83 to Voyager Pkwy. was voted on as a PPRTA A-list Project. The Polaris Pointe Development advanced the Voyager Pkwy. Bridge construction before PPRTA funding becomes available to provide traffic relief as adjacent land developments come online and in advance of future Powers Blvd. mainline construction. The Copper Ridge Metropolitan District has agreed to provide the financing for early access to the PPRTA funds.
Future Powers Extension
The extension of Powers Boulevard from Voyager Pkwy to Hwy 83 is a regional transportation priority project. The extension will be funded through the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) as a voter-approved, A-list project. (More information available here: https://pprta.com/2022-pprta-ballot-language/).
The entity that undertakes construction (either developer or City of Colorado Springs) has not yet been finalized. Preliminary engineering is complete, with final engineering planned to start in 2024. Early construction activities are anticipated to begin in 2025, with construction in phases expected to occur through 2030.
Ultimately, the extension’s configuration will include a new interchange at Hwy 83, with Powers extending over Black Squirrel Creek, under Ridgeline Road and Flying Horse Drive, and over Old Northgate Road. Access to Powers will be accessible at Voyager and HWY 83 only.
The configuration will look similar to the stretch of Powers between Research Pkwy and Old Ranch Road. The concept design and alignment for the extension was approved in 1997 prior to the Flying Horse or Northgate developments.
Progress Photos