About the Study
The Traffic Engineering Division has completed the Midland Corridor Transportation Study. The study area included the three east-west streets of Cucharras Street, Colorado Avenue, and Pikes Peak Avenue, from 31st Street on the west to approximately Cimino Drive on the east. Colorado Avenue is the spine street of the study with the Midland Tier I Trail the main non-motorized facility.
The purpose of this study was to use the data and findings from previous studies for use to develop a big-picture examination of “the Midland Corridor,” and to answer these questions:
- What is the particular role of Colorado Avenue within the Midland Corridor?
- What transportation vision will address local and community needs? In other words, what should the ultimate overall transportation system look like?
- What transportation issues need to be addressed throughout the Midland Corridor?
- Do the visions for the Midland corridor from old planning documents still apply?
The study corroborated transportation issues and recommends infrastructure improvements necessary to carry out the vision of business owners, residents, and the commuting public alike.
While some funding has been identified for projects that emerged from the study, the money is allocated for future years. However, all recommendations from the study will be incorporated into future construction opportunities, as appropriate.
The study process included consultation with a team of stakeholders representing various interests of the study area. Additionally, public input from previous studies and the recent public outreach effort for ConnectCOS, the City’s Intermodal Transportation Plan, was considered.
This study was funded by Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) 2 A-list program funds.

Project Background
This study consolidated findings from these previous studies to develop recommendations for the larger Midland Corridor:
- The Westside Plan (1979)
- Midland/Fountain Creek Parkway Corridor Plan (1989)
- CDOT US 24 West Environmental Assessment (2012)
- Bancroft Park Action Plan (2017)
- Colorado Avenue Mobility, Parking & Economic Opportunity Assessment (2018)
- 31st Street Traffic Operations and Safety Study (2019)
- PlanCOS (2019)
- Bike Master Plan (2019)
- ConnectCOS (on-going)