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On Saturday, December 5, 2020, at 9:00 A.M. a very special event will take place at the Target Store, located at 3810 Bloomington Street. The Colorado Springs Police Department and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office will once again partner with the Candlelighters of Southern Colorado to take part in the annual Shop with a Cop event. This particular event pairs Police Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies from around the region with children and family members who have been impacted by childhood cancer and blood disorders. The impact that these diseases have on the family, both financially and emotionally, is devastating; and by participating in this event, it allows the children a short period of time to spend with officers in a positive setting. 

Obviously, with the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Candlelighters of Southern Colorado were forced to evaluate the safety of having the event this year. Many of the children who are involved with Shop with a Cop are immunocompromised and therefore the risk of them being exposed to a potentially life-threatening virus is very real and dangerous. It was decided that they will have a modified Shop with a Cop event this year. This year’s Shop with a Cop will be a “drive-through” event. The children will arrive at the Target store in a vehicle and after the cars are lined up, Santa will greet each car and hand out stockings to the children inside. We will have a couple of officers and deputies who will hand out some candy canes and Police Stickers, but this year our job will be more of a cheerleader position with a lot of waving and cheering when the children pull through. The stockings the children will receive will have their usual toys and candy along with their Target gift card, which they will be able to use at their leisure in a more controlled environment or online.

The involved officers and deputies donate 100% of their time to bring joy to the lives of these families who are going through this difficult time. Deputies and officers have partnered with Candlelighters and this retailer for over 25 years to provide this small moment of respite to these families.

Interviews will be available at the Target Stores

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