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On October 3, 2021, the Colorado Springs Police Department Communication Center was notified of a deceased male in a creek adjacent to the El Pomar Youth Sports Park (located at 2212 Executive Circle). Upon officers’ arrival, they located an adult white male, 5’ 8” tall, 140 pounds with brown hair deceased in Fountain Creek.

The El Paso County Coroner’s Office was contacted and responded to the scene. The Coroner’s Office took possession of the deceased party and as of this time he remains unidentified.

The male had tattoos, which the Coroner’s Office is hopeful someone may recognize and may be helpful in making a positive identification. The tattoos are of:

  • An eye, located on the back
  • A paw, located on his chest

If you recognize these tattoos and know who they belonged to, please contact the El Paso County Coroner’s Office at 719-390-2450.

*Please see photos of tattoos on the attached press release

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