Final Platte Avenue Corridor Study
The Platte avenue Corridor Study is complete and linked below. The study reflects more than 50 meetings with the public, elected officials, boards and committees and more than two years of technical analysis and plan development. The Platte Avenue Corridor is identified in ConnectCOS as a critical corridor and the study examines corridor transportation needs and provides recommended infrastructure investments.
View the Study
A high-level overview of the document is provided below.
This Chapter introduces the study and provides a process diagram outlining the steps taken to complete the work.
This Chapter describes the connection between PlanCOS, ConnectCOS and the Platte Avenue Corridor Study and outlines the Functional Objectives. The Functional Objectives set the criteria for evaluation of all solution ideas.
This chapter summarizes the community engagement activities that occurred throughout the study
This Chapter introduces existing and future corridor needs; defines ambitions for meeting those needs; setting the stage for a corridor vision that delivers on multiple functional objectives.
This chapter introduces the range of ideas to fulfill the functional objectives and ambitions within each character area.
This chapter provides comparative analyses of solution options to demonstrate the basis for selecting recommended alternatives.
Chapter 7 describes and displays the recommendations for transportation infrastructure investments throughout the corridor.
To meet the functional objectives identified in the study, infrastructure investments must provide a user experience that effectively complements and advances the context throughout the corridor. Urban design elements are essential to this vision, and Chapter 8 introduces a toolbox of design elements that will be utilized by designers as projects emerge.
The recommendations contained within the corridor study are anticipated to be implemented over time based on funding and economic development opportunities. This Chapter spells out other influences that will impact timing of project delivery such as traffic operations and infrastructure conditions and provides a tool that the City can utilize to adapt corridor recommendations to meet evolving opportunities
About the Project
Project update (February 2024)
The final report is complete and can be viewed at the study website.
The City of Colorado Springs is conducting a corridor study along Platte Avenue between I-25 and Powers Boulevard. Platte Avenue is a ConnectCOS community corridor and was identified as a priority corridor for further analysis. Studying how the community uses Platte Avenue provides a valuable opportunity to improve how people travel in and around this six-mile corridor.
During the study, the City collected and analyzed data to better understand the current conditions and future travel demands. The City worked closely with local residents, businesses, and area stakeholders to identify how this former state highway could better serve the adjacent neighborhoods and larger community.

For more information about ConnectCOS visit the project website.
Public Process
Public Draft Report Review
The draft report was provided for public review in September of 2023 and the public comment period closed on October 13, 2023. Comments received from the public have been reviewed and the report has been finalized to incorporate comments as appropriate.
Previous Public Engagement
December 2022 CTAB presentation
On December 12, 2022, the study team provided an update to the Colorado Springs Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Board (CTAB) during their regular meeting. The update shared information regarding the recommendations anticipated to be included in the Draft Report, which will be completed in the initial months of 2023. The CTAB meeting was open to the public and live comments were limited to members of the CTAB.
The CTAB presentation slides are provided here for public viewing. Comments are welcome via the study email address:
December 2022 presentation slides
August 2022 Workshop
In August of 2022, the study team facilitated a community workshop focused on identifying and evaluating additional study alternatives for the portion of the Platte Avenue corridor between Wahsatch Avenue and Circle Drive. Nearly 150 residents, business owners, City and study team staff joined in productive sessions over the course of two days. Sessions included:
- Topical focus groups of representative stakeholders sharing concerns and generating creative ideas,
- Study team sessions to review and further develop and refine the ideas generated
- Two evening general public sessions to share outcomes and gauge feedback from a broader audience
The workshop yielded numerous perspectives and ideas that will inform recommendations for the upcoming draft corridor study.
A meeting summary is provided here.
Slide presentations from the two general public sessions are provided here:
May/June 2022
Public meetings were held on May 16, 17, 25, and 31 and June 7 of 2022. These in-person open house meetings, held in conjunction with the ConnectCOS Transportation Plan, provided information about the draft recommended alternatives for the Platte Avenue Corridor. The public comment period ended on June 15, 2022, but comments on the materials posted online are encouraged at any time.
Open House Summary & Survey
View the comprehensive open house summary.
In May and June, 2022, the City of Colorado Springs and ConnectCOS project team hosted six in-person open houses, one in each council district. Three of the open houses included information from the Platte Avenue Corridor Study. Participants were invited to explore different information developed over the life of the project, ask project team questions, and share their feedback. We invite you to explore ConnectCOS and the Platte Avenue Corridor Study in greater depth. For your convenience we offer an introductory video highlighting the questions our team set out to answer, what was found, and potential ideas for the future. In addition to the videos, you’ll find PDFs summarizing each open house station. Once you’ve reviewed the open house boards and project video, we have developed a survey to let your voice on what you liked, disliked, and what was missing from the proposed project.
The video linked below is a recorded slideshow. Please note, the audio requires permission from you to play. You will need to interact with the presentation by hitting pause/play or skipping to the next slide at least once to give the browser permission to play audio.
Watch the video exploring ConnectCOS and the Platte Ave Corridor Study
Station Boards
Please use the links below to navigate to each station’s board. The PDFs linked below are the same material presented at each in-person open house. These displays reflect information shared at the community open houses in May/June 2022. Based on input received at these meetings, there is continued evaluation, analysis, and community engagement occurring to refine and develop additional alternatives for potential inclusion in the plan.
Platte Ave
- Introduction Board
- Alternatives Process
- Platte Corridor-Wide
- Downtown Character Area
- Central Corridor Station
- Eastern Reaches Station
- Implementation and Schedule
- What We Heard
To view the ConnectCOS stations, please visit
February 2022
The project team has held the following meetings:
- Two community office hour sessions. The first saw nine total participants, and five of those nine joined for the full two-hours. Attendance for the second office hour saw eighteen total participants. A summary of each office hour session can be found on the project website.
- Seven one-on-one stakeholder meetings from early-December 2021 and the project team continues to engage with community stakeholders throughout their technical analysis.
- Multiple meetings for residents and neighborhoods including the Middle Shooks Run Neighborhood, the Boulder Street Neighborhood Group, and residents at the intersection of Sheridan Avenue and Platte Avenue.
These meetings in addition to the feedback received through media comments, emails to the project team, and public comment cards were summarized from December 2021 until February of 2022.
View Summary of Public Engagement - February 2022
January 2022
Following a recent virtual meeting recording (December 15, 2021), the Platte Avenue Corridor Study project team held two community office hour sessions on January 6, 2022, and January 10, 2022. Summaries of each office hour sessions are linked below.
- Community Office Hours Summary, Session One, January 6, 2022, 3-5 p.m.
- Community Office Hours Summary, Session Two, January 10, 2022, 4-6 p.m.
December 15, 2021
The public meeting scheduled to take place on December 15, 2021, was cancelled due to extreme weather and power outages across the City of Colorado Springs. In response, and in an effort to keep the public informed about the Platte Avenue Corridor Study, a recording of the meeting content is now available for public viewing. The recording includes the information and content that was originally scheduled to be presented.
The goals of this recording are to:
- Share information for the Platte Avenue Corridor Study
- Review analysis to-date, recommendations, and potential alternatives
- Provide a look ahead and how the public can continue to contribute feedback
The comment period for the survey is now closed.
August 2021, Community Workshops
In August 2021, the project team held three community workshops, engaging select geo-targeted members of the community, including business and property owners, residents, workforce, City staff, transportation experts, and land use experts to inform proposed alternatives and next steps in the study.
Workshop Background Information
Summary of Functional Objective Exercise for all workshops
Monday, August 16th, Areas 3 & 4 Community Workshop (Knob Hill & Eastern Reaches) This portion of the study area includes Platte Avenue and the surrounding neighborhoods between Union Boulevard and Chelton Road. This segment includes Knob Hill Arts District, Citadel Mall, and Academy Boulevard.
Summary for the Knob Hill and Eastern Reaches character areas
Tuesday, August 17th, Area 1 Community Workshop (Downtown) This portion of the study area includes Platte Avenue and the surrounding businesses between I-25 and Wahsatch Avenue.
Summary for the Downtown character area
Wednesday, August 18th, Area 2 Community Workshop (Middle Shooks Run) This portion of the study area includes Platte Avenue and the surrounding neighborhoods between Wahsatch and Union Boulevard. This segment includes Middle Shooks Run.
Summary for the Middle Shooks Run character area
June 9, 2021 Public Meeting
During the Virtual Community Meeting we previewed a corridor specific digital survey developed to collect input on existing conditions along Platte Avenue. This survey is now closed.
Please check back regularly for key project dates and engagement opportunities.
Spring/Summer 2021
The project team is conducting an analysis of the corridor using a variety of data, discussions with stakeholders and our Community Advisory Committee, and input from the community. The information developed will then be used to draft alternatives to improve corridor functionality for a range of goals related to mobility and corridor context.
The project team will discuss corridor constraints and opportunities as they begin to develop a comprehensive list of potential improvements appropriate to the unique and changing character within the corridor.
Community Advisory Committee
The Platte Avenue Corridor Study Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will serve as a sounding board and critical conduit between the broader community and project team during this collaborative planning process. The representatives (as seen on the roster below) are from a wide variety of sectors and organizations that represent various interests along Platte Avenue. They will help share project information to their networks and provide key insights at major technical milestones to assist the project team in developing the final plan and proposed improvements for Platte Avenue.