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Inaugural event assists families in need


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services department and Miramont Castle have partnered with Pikes Peak – America’s Mountain and the United States Forest Service (USFS) to create the Holiday Tree Giveaway Program. Families were selected by City community center staff to participate in the program. These families are invited to choose a tree cut from the Pike National Forest and to engage in holiday festivities including interpretive presentations with Smokey Bear and Rocky Ram.

“We are excited for the inaugural year of the Holiday Tree Giveaway Program,” said Skyler Rorabaugh, Pikes Peak – America’s Mountain Manager. “This program was a vision of retired USFS Lands, Special Uses, and Minerals Staff Officer, Jeff Hovermale. Jeff wanted to create an opportunity for families to visit their national forest lands and experience the beauty of the natural world with their loved ones. This inspired us to create this free holiday tree program.”

Local organizations have donated tree stands, holiday lights, and ornaments as well as netting to wrap the trees for delivery. Trees will be delivered by City staff to families that are unable to attend the event. The USFS identified trees to harvest for the program.

What:            Holiday Tree Giveaway

When:           Saturday, Dec. 10, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Where:          Ski Area, between mile marker 11 and 12 on Pikes Peak Highway

RSVP:           News media representatives are asked to RSVP by emailing

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