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Mike Sullivan, the City’s Chief Human Resources and Risk Officer today announced his retirement. His last day with the City is Nov. 15.  

“We thank Mike for his many contributions to the City of Colorado Springs,” said Mayor Yemi Mobolade. “He spearheaded several organizational changes that positively impacted the work culture for City employees, and he has provided compassionate leadership under three mayors. As a service organization whose primary asset is our employees, his contributions have impacted the broader community of Colorado Springs. We wish Mike the very best in his retirement.”    

Sullivan was hired by former Mayor Steve Bach in February 2012. Prior to that, he served in various human resource and leadership roles, including 34 years in the defense industry at Northrop Grumman and Raytheon.  

“I am honored and privileged to have served the residents of our community, and the employees of our City organization, over the past 12 years,” said Sullivan. “This was a time of significant change in terms of both fiscal challenges and the form of governance for our municipal entity. We have accomplished much as a team, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have served Colorado Springs.”

Sullivan is an active community member, serving as a board member for Community Partnership for Child Development (CPCD), and as a past board member for Pikes Peak United Way and TESSA. 

The City’s Risk Division Manager Myra Romero will fill the interim role. The City will post the position and begin a national search for a new Chief Human Resources and Risk Officer.

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