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The Colorado Springs Police Department is taking an active role in working with some local businesses about illegal gambling that might be occurring at their businesses. CSPD is responsible for enforcing state laws regarding illegal gambling that occurs in Colorado Springs. The Metro Division is assigned to investigate illegal gambling allegations.

State law prohibits businesses from offering a simulated gambling device or for a business to maintain a gambling premise. 32 locations in Colorado Springs have been identified as possibly having illegal gaming devices and maintaining a gambling premise. It has been found that illegal gaming devices and illegal gambling business have been utilized to facilitate other criminal activity such as money laundering. Specifically in Colorado Springs over the past couple of years, illegal gambling businesses have been the location of serious criminal activity. This includes narcotics distribution, shootings, vehicular eluding, and the arrest of armed wanted fugitives.

To ensure these businesses are aware of state laws and their legal requirement to comply with them, on March 22 and March 23, 2023, detectives from the Metro Division will be going to the 32 locations and providing them with a notice that CSPD has received information about illegal gambling activities occurring at the business. The notice is meant to serve as an educational letter and warning regarding the use of electronic gaming machines and other simulated gambling devices.

The detectives will also provide the business with relevant state laws regarding simulated gaming devices and maintaining an illegal gambling business. The goal is for each business to evaluate if they are violating the law and to stop any illegal gambling occurring in their business.

After the educational period which will allow businesses to complete this evaluation and come into compliance with state laws, CSPD will conduct additional evaluations and investigations if needed.

Note to Media: Metro Division Lieutenant Mark Chacon will be available for interviews between 10am and 11am today. All updates will only come from the Public Affairs Section when available.

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