COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Mayor John Suthers presented Spirit of the Springs Celebration Awards on Wednesday, Sept. 29 to several community members and organizations for their leadership in celebrating Colorado Springs’ sesquicentennial, or 150th anniversary, in 2021. Also, the Beards, Bonnets and Brews committee presented a $29,700 check to Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site, which was the proceeds from the June event at the ranch that kicked off the Sesquicentennial celebration.
The following received Spirit of the Springs Awards Wednesday:
- Jenifer Furda, Beards, Bonnets & Brews
- Shirley Martinez, COS 150: Downtown Celebration
- Carol and John O’Donnell, COS 150: Downtown Celebration
- Deborah Thornton, COS 150: Downtown Celebration
- Michael Pach, COS 150: Then & Now photo exhibit
- Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce & EDC, Sesqui Soiree
- FOX21 News
- The Gazette
“We had numerous community volunteers, committee members, City employees, local businesses and generous sponsors who contributed time and creativity to the celebration of our City’s Sesquicentennial,” said Mayor Suthers. “I’m grateful to all who made this year extra special. The individuals and organizations recognized today with Spirit of the Springs Awards went above and beyond in sharing their Sesqui spirit, and our City thanks them for their efforts to remember our past, celebrate our present and envision our future.”
The Office of the Mayor welcomes the opportunity to recognize exceptional individuals and organizations within the City of Colorado Springs with a Spirit of the Springs Celebration Award. These awards are presented to recipients by the Mayor or an official designee to honor them for outstanding achievements. For more information, visit ColoradoSprings.gov/Mayors-Office.