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Citing the city’s resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, catalytic construction projects completed or ongoing, and progress in the city’s parks system, homeless services and affordable housing efforts, Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers gave his sixth State of the City address today.

Suthers began by reading from a speech given by the mayor of Colorado Springs from 1899-1902, John Robinson.  In that speech, the former mayor cited the “aesthetic conditions,” which drove the founding of the city. After addressing its history, Suthers noted the city’s resiliency through fires and floods, comparing this resiliency to that shown through current challenges facing the region and nation.

Suthers praised several leaders in the community, including El Paso County Public Health, Colorado Springs City Council and City and Utilities staff for their work during challenging times. He spoke about Colorado Springs Employee of the Year Pedro Laumbach and celebrated the cooperation of citizens with public health orders as well as the ongoing economic recovery driven by patrons and local philanthropy.

The City for Champions projects were cited as reasons for optimism, along with development downtown, along the Interquest corridor and at the airport. Suthers also spoke about Issue 2A on the November ballot and previewed significant infrastructure investment in southeast Colorado Springs.

As has become tradition, Suthers closed his speech by challenging citizens to continue to “build a city that matches our scenery, a shining city at the foot of a great mountain.”

A limited audience attended the event due to COVID-19 restrictions. The full speech and presentation can be viewed at or, and will be replayed on SpringsTV.

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