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Take the Second Community Survey!

Please take a moment to fill out the Second Community Survey. By taking this survey you have the opportunity to shape the future of Fishers Canyon Open Space. Survey closes on Tuesday, May 28.

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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services

Key Dates

Late 2023
  • Public process for Master and Management Plan begins
Fall 2024
  • Approval of Master and Management Plan
Early 2025
  • Anticipated start of implementation
Planning Phase


Please join the community as we engage in a public planning process to imagine the future of Fishers Canyon Open Space. This planning process seeks to develop a set of recommendations that reflects the vision of the community while simultaneously considering opportunities for outdoor recreation, access, safety, watershed and wildlife habitat protection, restoration, and trail connectivity.  

Learn more about Fishers Canyon Open Space by exploring the StoryMap.

Get involved

Please take a moment to fill out the Second Community Survey. By taking this survey you have the opportunity to shape the future of Fishers Canyon Open Space. Survey closes on Tuesday, May 28.

Take the survey