Funding Notice
Currently there is no funding available for competitive grants to nonprofits. Any change in status will be announced in our department newsletter, available here.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
The Housing and Homelessness Response Department manages the City of Colorado Springs’ Entitlement funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for citizens in Colorado Springs. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to improve local communities by providing decent housing, improved infrastructure, public facilities, services, and improved economic opportunities.
Our Funding
The City of Colorado Springs’ Housing and Homelessness Response Department provides funding to local 501(c)(3)/ 509(a) non-profit organizations, and public agencies that serve low- to moderate-income community members.
What is Low to Moderate Income (LMI)?
Low- to moderate-income (also referred to as LMI) is a measure of a household's income in comparison to the Area Median Income (AMI). In this case, the annual income is less than 80% of the area median income (AMI) or less, as established by HUD.
- Extremely Low Income is 0-30% AMI, Very Low Income is 30-50% AMI
- Low Income is 50-80% AMI, Moderate income is over 80% AMI = Over Limits
- Click here to access the Nationwide HUD mapping tool
In addition to serving low-to-moderate-income persons all CDBG funded activities must meet one of two national objectives:
- Low to Moderate Clientele Benefit (LMC)
- Low to Moderate Area Benefit (LMA)
Low to Moderate Clientele Benefit (LMC)
These are activities or programs that benefit a specific group of LMI residents regardless of their address. At least 51% of the beneficiaries served under these activities and/or programs must be low-to-moderate-income persons.
Low to Moderate Area Benefit (LMA)
These are activities or programs that benefit all residents in a defined geographic area (within city limits) that has a majority of low-to-moderate-income persons. Low-to-moderate-income activities or programs under this objective must serve whole areas that are a majority (51% or more) low-to-moderate-income.
Public Services
CDBG Public Service funding is specifically designed to help improve conditions specific to housing, improved infrastructure, improved economic opportunities, and services to the local community. As the grantee of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City of Colorado Springs Housing and Homelessness Response Department administers funding to successful local applicants (subgrantees) for one program year.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are provided by HUD in order to improve local communities by providing decent housing, improved infrastructure, public facilities and services, and improved economic opportunities. Federal law requires that these grant funds primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons (80% AMI or below).
Public Services is an activity within the CDBG program. It generally funds projects that provide social services and/or other direct assistance to individuals or households.
All CDBG projects must meet a National Objective by proving that the proposed program follows one of the following service models:
Serves individual clients: The organization serves individual clients who are predominantly low- to moderate-income (make 80% area median income (AMI) or below). The organization qualifies clients through an income-qualification intake process, or the nature of services is such that clients are presumed to be low-income (e.g. food bank,
Serves area or neighborhood: The organization is based in and serves clients in a predominantly low- to moderate-income (LMI) Census tract. This metric is typically used for capital projects. Program examples: community center services, etc. Examples of these eligible services include, but are not limited to: Senior services, programs that serve persons with disabilities, homeless services, youth services, mental health services, educational and job training programs, public safety, substance abuse services, childcare services, etc.
Examples of activities ineligible under the CDBG Public Services program would include: Political or religious activities, general government activities, new housing construction, and direct income payments (Direct cash payments to clients is NOT an eligible activity)
For Organizations Interested in Applying
The City of Colorado Springs funding program year runs from April 1st to March 31st each year. As such the Housing and Homelessness Response Department generally releases a Notice of Funding Availability for competitive grant funds (solicitation for applications) around mid-March to early April each year.
Notice of Funding Availability
The Housing and Homelessness Response Department is soliciting applications for 2024 CDBG Public Services grant funds (CDBG). This year, the City has an estimated $450,000 in 2024 CDBG Public Service funding available for competitive award. Please note the following:
- The award minimum for applications is $25,000
- CDBG Public Service funding is designed to support new or expanded services in the community. Pilot projects and new approaches to providing critical services that primarily serve low-moderate income populations are welcomed
- For more information please review the current Notice of Funding Availability
Eligibility Basics
- Project must be located within the city limits of Colorado Springs.
- Serve low-income communities: the project must be in a majority LMI (51% or over) Census tract and/or serve populations presumed to be low-income; have special needs.
- Organizations must be a 501(c)3, 509(a), faith-based entities, and/or public agencies.
- CDBG Public Service Grants must be utilized to expand existing services and/or create new services to serve low-to-moderate-income persons.
- All applicants must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) that is in active status registered with SAM.GOV.
- Interested applicants should review the below resources prior to the submission of any application:
Technical Information
We recommend at least 1 representative (preferably the grant administrator) attend an online digital office hours session. HCV staff will host digital office hours to offer technical assistance and go over specific questions from applicants on the following dates:
Applicants are encouraged to attend one digital office hours session for information or inquiries about the application. No registration is necessary, and participants only need to attend ONE digital office hours session. We advise that applicants review the CDBG Application Guide AND CDBG Public services application PRIOR to attending an office hours session. This will ensure participants can come prepared with direct inquiries and a full understanding of the requirements prior to their application or participation in an office hours session.
Digital Workshop Session #1: Monday April 22nd 2024 10am-11am MST
- Join on your computer or mobile app: Join the meeting now
- Meeting ID: 228 412 303 662
- Passcode: PTNrRy
- Dial-in by phone
- +1 720-617-3426,,535273268# United States, Denver
- Find a local number
- Phone conference ID: 535 273 268#
Digital Workshop Session #2: Wednesday April 24th 2024 11am-12pm MST
- Join on your computer or mobile app: Join the meeting now
- Meeting ID: 225 633 396 46
- Passcode: 3QEpnf
- Dial-in by phone
- +1 720-617-3426,,906342270# United States, Denver
- Find a local number
- Phone conference ID: 906 342 270#
Digital Workshop Session #3: Thursday April 25th 2024 2:30pm- 3:30pm MST
- Join on your computer or mobile app: Join the meeting now
- Meeting ID: 230 251 089 039
- Passcode: sS4ZDM
- Dial-in by phone
- +1 720-617-3426,,28939485# United States, Denver
- Find a local number
- Phone conference ID: 289 394 85#
Application Information
Competitive applications for the 2024 CDBG Public Service funding will be available from April 15th 2024 12:00am MST to May 6th 2024 at 11:59pm MST ( no exceptions). Applicants must register online with Neighborly Software in order to prepare and submit an application. There is no limit to the number of applications that an organization may submit, but each project should be submitted as its own application. Applications selected for funding may receive less than their requested amount, depending on the number of applications received, available funding, and review of their budgetary request by City staff. Submission of an application is not a guarantee of funding for any organization or project request.
Application deadline has been extended to Monday May 6th at 11:50pm
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For more information or inquiries about CDBG programs please contact the Housing and Community Vitality Department at: .