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What is the Strategic Plan?

The 2024-2028 Citywide Strategic Plan serves as the long-term vision for the future direction of the City. The foundation of the Strategic Plan is rooted in well-defined goals, strategic objectives and priorities, and measurable outcomes. It establishes organizational performance data and a continuous engagement loop with the community and city employees to inform City budgetary and policy decision making.   

Under the Strategic Plan, annually the City will create a Strategic Doing Framework that will provide a short-term action plan. The purpose of the Strategic Doing Framework is to intentionally move forward the visionary community ideas outlined in the 4-year Strategic Plan, into yearly action-oriented collaborations that result in measurable outcomes.  

These plans are the result of countless hours of community engagement, thoughtful discussion, and collaborative effort. They reflect the voices and aspirations of our diverse neighborhoods, our vibrant business community, and our passionate residents. 


2024-2028 Citywide Strategic Plan

The City knows our community has big dreams for Colorado Springs, and we want to see them come true. The Strategic Plan helps the City understand what to prioritize and invest in. The plan provides guidance to help the Mayor, City Council, and staff know what is important to the community and how to realize those hopes, dreams, and desires.  

View the strategic plan

Vision, Mission and Values

Strategic Priorities

The City will regularly monitor the progress toward the Strategic Plan goals and objectives and report on performance measures. Tracking keeps us transparent and holds us accountable. We will provide the community with an annual report and the City Council with a year-end presentation. Community members can expect to understand what we are working on and the benefits that will result for our residents, businesses, and the community overall. 

Strategic Doing Framework 

Planning is only the first step. Strategic Doing is a framework that turns the strategy into action. It empowers the City to swiftly establish action-oriented teams, help steer them toward measurable results, and adapt in real time to internal and external changes 

The annual Strategic Doing Frameworks are needed to make sure the Plan is used every day to guide our work so we can achieve the goals and aspirations identified by our community. Four yearly frameworks will be developed during the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. The City’s Strategic Doing teams are action-oriented collaborations that steer us toward measurable results and can adapt in real-time to internal and external changes. 

2024 Strategic Doing Framework