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In a letter to Colorado Springs residents, Mayor Yemi Mobolade wished a happy 153rd birthday to the City of Colorado Springs. 

Below is the full text of the letter: 

Happy birthday, Colorado Springs! 

Today, we celebrate the 153rd birthday of our extraordinary city. Colorado Springs was born from the vision and courage of those who dared to dream, to explore, and to build. Their pioneering spirit of adventure, resilience, and determination is the foundation upon which our community stands, inspiring and guiding us daily. 

From the early settlers who carved a life out of rugged terrain to the visionary leaders and dedicated families who shape our future, Colorado Springs has always been a place where dreams take flight. We continue to dream big. Together, we overcome challenges with unwavering optimism and, together, we cultivate a flourishing city where the Rocky Mountains meet boundless possibilities. 

We are deeply grateful to the pioneers who laid the groundwork for the vibrant city we call “Olympic City USA”. Their spirit is not a relic of the past; it lives on in the hearts of our community members. General William Jackson Palmer, our city's founder, envisioned Colorado Springs as "the most attractive place for homes in the west — a place for schools, colleges, literature, science, first-class newspapers, and everything that the above imply."  

Today, we celebrate a city that has surpassed even his grandest dreams, transforming from a frontier outpost into the United States’ most desirable place to live. Still, Colorado Springs continues to be more than just a place — it is a spirit — a testament to human ingenuity, the strength of the people, and the power of community.  

Our city's birthday is also a time to express our appreciation. Thank you to every resident for your contributions, whether big or small, to make Colorado Springs the remarkable place it is today. I SEE you. And I am filled with great pride and gratitude for the community we have built together over the years. 

Our journey is far from over. As we look to the future, we must continue to build upon the foundation laid by our predecessors. We must work together to create a safe, economically prosperous, culturally rich, welcoming, and vibrant world-class American city on a hill that shines brightly. 

Happy Birthday, Colorado Springs! Here's to 153 more years of growth, prosperity, and community. We are Colorado Springs!

Onward and upward,  

Mayor Yemi Mobolade 

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