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In a celebration of “Fair Housing Month,” Colorado Springs officials today welcomed Housing and Urban Development Regional Administrator Dominique Jackson to the city for a press event and media tour highlighting the city’s progress in affordable housing.

As housing costs rise nationwide, the City of Colorado Springs continues to work successfully with the non-profit and for-profit development community to bring new units of affordable housing online by implementing HomeCOS, the city’s affordable and attainable housing plan.

“We know that housing affordability is a challenge facing many cities these days and in Colorado Springs, we are committed to addressing the issue head on, and constantly working to provide affordable and attainable housing for our workforce, our young professionals and those who are the most economically challenged,” said Mayor Suthers. “We appreciate the contributions and collaboration from our many partners who have helped us move the needle on affordable housing.” 

Colorado Springs named "House America" city

It was also announced today that Colorado Springs has been named a “House America” city. House America is a national partnership in which HUD and USICH invite mayors, county leaders, Tribal nation leaders, and governors to use the historic investments provided through the American Rescue Plan to address the crisis of homelessness through a Housing First approach by immediately re-housing and building additional housing for people experiencing homelessness.

“No one should have to experience homelessness. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to working alongside state and local partners to find solutions to address this crisis.” said HUD’s Rocky Mountain Regional Administrator Dominique Jackson. “Adopting a housing-first approach, which means focusing on evidence-based solutions, is critical to ensuring that American Rescue Plan homelessness assistance is implemented. HUD is proud to announce Colorado Springs as one of our first House America designees. We look forward to working with the city and their housing partners to address local affordable housing needs.”

Through the American Rescue Plan, the City of Colorado Springs and the Colorado Springs Housing Authority received and will distribute 101 emergency housing vouchers and $5.7M in HOME Investment Partnerships grants to help more residents obtain the safety of a stable home.

As a member of House America, Colorado Springs will also partner with HUD and USICH to use these American Rescue Plan resources to re-house households experiencing homelessness through a Housing First approach, and to add new units of affordable housing into the development pipeline.

Affordable housing goals

Together with its partners, the Colorado Springs Housing Authority, the Pikes Peak Continuum of Care and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the City has set the following goals:

  • Fully utilize 101 CSHA Emergency Housing Vouchers by September 2023
  • Award 150 new permanent supportive housing units by mid-2024
  • Successfully house 50 families by the end of 2025.


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